AFTD-gemenskapsmedlemmar på liveintervju med internetradio – 1 oktober

AFTD_SusanDickinson_hdshtOn Tuesday, October 1, members of the AFTD community will take part in a live Internet radio show with Alzheimer’s Speaks host, Lori La Bey.  AFTD Executive Director Susan Dickinson, along with caregivers Paul Lester and Cheryl Sparks, will be on the call entitled “When FTD Comes Knocking—It’s Not a Bed of Roses” on October 1st at 12 noon EST/11 AM CST/10 AM MST/9 AM PST.

To listen to the call, you may do so via:

– phone at 714-364-4757

– Internet at:–its-not-a-bed-of-roses

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