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AFTD 2020 utbildningskonferenswebbseminarium: Coordinating & Managing FTD Care Today

7 april 2020 kl. 16.00 - 5:00 em EDT


Under hela april kommer AFTD att presentera en serie webbseminarier som återspeglar material som ursprungligen utvecklades för 2020 AFTD Education Conference, som ställdes in på grund av covid-19-pandemin.

In the first edition of this series, Jennifer Pilcher, PhD, will provide an in-depth look at how to find and access necessary services for persons diagnosed with FTD amidst COVID-19. She will discuss tools to support those administering personal care, explain how to advocate for key services and problem-solve in the current environment, and offer realistic and practical suggestions about setting priorities, both now and with an eye to the future.

Registrera här. If you are unable to watch the webinar as it streams live, Dr. Pilcher’s presentation will be recorded and archived on our website within one week of broadcast. (Klicka här för att se hela vår katalog med utbildningswebbseminarier.)