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“Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist” renovada para segunda temporada

The NBC musical “dramedy” Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist has been renewed for a second season, as reported earlier…

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Marc and Gretchen Toles

Dando uma mão para nossas mãos amigas! Voluntário AFTD Marc Toles

Ex-cuidador de sua esposa, Marc Toles (MI) queria dar sentido ao que ele e…

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AFTD anuncia bolsas-piloto para 2019 em ciência básica e pesquisa translacional

AFTD is proud to announce the most recent recipients of our Pilot Grants, which provide seed funding…

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Uma mensagem do presidente do conselho da AFTD, David Pfeifer

I hope that this finds you and your loved ones safe and connected in these challenging times….

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A estrategista de comunicações Kristin Holloway ingressa no conselho da AFTD

In April, AFTD announced that Kristin Holloway, a communications professional whose husband, Lee, has FTD, has joined…

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COVID-19 e FTD: os recursos da AFTD podem ajudar

The COVID-19 pandemic that has gripped the world over the last several months has brought new and…

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TEDMED Talk destaca reconexão significativa na demência

In a TEDMED Talk, gerontologist Anne Bastings describes how infusing art creativity into care settings can help…

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A estrela de “Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist” Jane Levy fala sobre o potencial da segunda temporada

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist star Jane Levy spoke to the potential of a second season and moving forward…

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Penn FTD Center lança conferência virtual para cuidadores em resposta à COVID

The Penn FTD Center has shared a series of virtual presentations by speakers initially scheduled for its…

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Relatório Nacional Salienta Impacto do Cuidado Familiar

A new national report on family caregiving found that for the nearly 53 million Americans who provide…

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