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UCSF Researchers Publish Findings on FTD Progression

A UC San Francisco study that examined the progression of FTD shows promise in identifying how the…

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Novo anúncio de conscientização AFTD será exibido em 20 de outubro no New York Times

On October 20, the Sunday print edition of the New York Times will feature the latest in…

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Target ALS and AFTD Partner to Spur Drug and Biomarker Development for ALS and FTD

Today, AFTD and Target ALS have announced a groundbreaking partnership and call for proposals to identify treatments…

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Apenas parte da resposta: Medicamentos e FTD

Partners in FTD Care, Fall 2019 Download the full issue (pdf) Frontotemporal degeneration is clinically and biologically…

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N.Y. Times Features New AFTD Awareness Ad

On September 29, the New York Times is running the above AFTD awareness ad in its print…

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“60 Minutes” Reabre o Segmento no FTD

On September 15, 60 Minutes re-aired a segment on frontotemporal degeneration that was originally broadcast this past…

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Conselheira Médica da AFTD, Virginia M.-Y. Lee ganha prêmio inovador

Virginia M.-Y. Lee, PhD, a founding member of AFTD’s Medical Advisory Council, was awarded a Breakthrough Prize…

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AFTD anuncia destinatários de bolsas de pós-doutorado 2019-2021

By supporting talented young investigators during the final stage of their scientific training, AFTD Postdoctoral Fellowships lay…

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Katie Brandt, voluntária da AFTD, nomeada copresidente do Conselho Consultivo do NAPA

Katie Brandt, AFTD volunteer and former Regional Coordinator Volunteer, was named co-chair of the National Alzheimer’s Project…

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Kimberly Pang Torres Headshot

Destaque para… Kimberly Pang Torres, Conselho de Administração da AFTD

Jackie Pang was diagnosed with FTD in 2017, less than a year after her daughter, Kimberly Pang…

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