O NY Times apresenta um novo anúncio de conscientização sobre AFTD


On September 29, the New York Times is running the above AFTD awareness ad in its print Sunday edition, funded by support from a generous donor and designed in collaboration with AFTD volunteer Jody Zorn.

You can help us spread awareness of the most common dementia for people under 60:

  • Encourage your friends and family to pick up a copy of the Horários.
  • Share this post on social media with the hashtags #DementiaUnder60 and #ThinkFTD.
  • If you found out about AFTD through this advertisement, and would like to sign up to receive specially targeted resources, Clique aqui.

Download a PDF version of the above ad. You can also view the AFTD ad featured in last week’s Sunday Times by clicando aqui.

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