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Graphic: AFTD Board Member Kristin Holloway Tells Her FTD Story to Self Magazine

AFTD Board Member Kristin Holloway Tells Her FTD Story to Self Magazine

AFTD Board member Kristin Holloway shared her experiences as a care partner for her husband, Lee, in…

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AFTD Staff and Emma Heming Willis Commemorate FTD Week Resolution in Calif.

(pictured above, L-R: FTD advocate Wanda Smith, Calif. Assemblymember Brian Maienschein, AFTD CEO Susan L-J Dickinson, FTD…

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Graphic: Passage bio Highlights Promising Clinical Trial Progress in Quarterly Update

Passage Bio Highlights Promising Clinical Trial Progress in Quarterly Update

Biopharmaceutical company Passage Bio highlighted promising progress in its phase 1/2 clinical trial for a form of…

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Graphic: Study Discovers how Variations in TMEM106b Gene Influence Risk and Severity of FTD

Study Discovers How Variations in TMEM106B Gene Influence Risk and Severity of FTD

In a study published earlier this year in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers from Mayo Clinic…

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Graphic: NY State Senator Hinchey Introduces Bill to Create State FTD Registry

N.Y. State Senator Michelle Hinchey Introduces Bill to Create State FTD Registry

New York State Senator Michelle Hinchey introduced and sponsored a bill to the state Senate that, if…

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Graphic: UK Researchers to Conduct Nationwide Trial Evaluating Blood Test for Dementia

U.K. Researchers to Conduct Nationwide Trial Evaluating Blood Test for Dementia

Researchers in the United Kingdom are preparing to conduct a nationwide trial evaluating blood tests for biomarkers…

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Graphic: Case Report Discusses Symptoms and Diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Case Report Discusses Symptoms and Diagnosis of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

A case report published earlier this year in the journal Radiology Case Reports discusses the symptoms and…

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Graphic: FTD Advocate Discusses Isolation and Housing Concerns Faced by Family Care Partners

FTD Advocate Discusses Isolation and Housing Concerns Faced by Family Care Partners

In a column published by the digital periodical Next Avenue, FTD advocate Aisha Adkins, MPA, CNP, discusses…

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Graphic: First Participant Treated in AviadoBio Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial for FTD-GRN Gene Therapy

First Participant Treated in AviadoBio Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial for FTD-GRN Gene Therapy

AviadoBio announced on April 15 that the first participant has been treated in its Phase 1/2 ASPIRE-FTD…

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Graphic: Not All Forms of PPA Are FTD, as Recent High-Profile Case Highlights

Not All Forms of PPA Are FTD, as Recent High-Profile Case Highlights

Not all forms of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) are caused by the same disease pathology with logopenic…

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