Building an Infrastructure to Support FTLD Therapeutic Development

Building an Infrastructure to Support FTLD Therapeutic Development (March 31-April 1, 2016 in Bethesda, MD) will be co-hosted by AFTD, through its FTD Treatment Study Group (FTSG), and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Providing an opportunity for participants from academia, industry, and government to discuss issues of common interest in clinical trial design for FTD and learn about new resources for clinical investigators, the conference will also feature a panel discussion including representatives from the FDA to answer questions on the regulatory aspects of drug development and clinical trials for FTD.

Find a list of sponsors and additional details on the event here.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities for AFTD confererences, please contact AFTD’s Development Manager, Pamela McGonigle, at

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