CNN’s Jake Tapper Pays Tribute to Late Father-in-Law, Who Had FTD

Jake Tapper pays tribute to late father-in-law with FTD, image.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper paid tribute to his late father-in-law with FTD in a brief memorial piece broadcast on the news network this weekend. In the segment, Tapper offers a look at Tom Brown’s life, and the impact he had on the lives of his children.

Born in Chicago, Brown had a difficult early life, eventually heading out on his own as a teenager. He would go on to serve with the United States Air Force, and was stationed at Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam from 1968-1969 – his service during the Vietnam War coincided with the Tet Offensive.

After returning home, Brown became the manager of a supermarket before eventually becoming a successful businessman running his own store. Brown eventually owned and operated a dollar store as well.

Brown and his wife, Linda, had two children, Jennifer and Bob, whom Tapper says the couple raised with “joyous adoration” and encouraged to be their best selves. Brown was a loving grandfather to Tapper and Jennifer’s children.

Brown was eventually diagnosed with FTD, which Tapper characterized as a “cruel and unforgiving disease.” He died the week of December 12.

If you need assistance getting an FTD diagnosis or finding treatment centers, or simply want to talk to somebody who knows what you are going through, contact the AFTD HelpLine at 1-866-507-7222 or

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