Perspektywy seminarium internetowego dotyczącego badań FTD: Wzmocnienie swojego głosu w badaniach FTD — dlaczego zadaje się mi tak wiele pytań?

When studying FTD, researchers ask a lot of questions. Research participants may find themselves thinking, “Why do you need to know all this information?” This Perspectives in FTD Research webinar, presented by AFTD and the FTD Disorders Registry, explains why this information is gathered and how it is used by researchers seeking effective FTD treatments. Presenters from AFTD and the Registry are on hand empower you to make an informed decision about taking part in research. This includes discussing privacy concerns and ways to be an active research participant.

During this webinar, you will:

  1. Learn how participating in research leads to advancements in understanding and treating FTD.
  2. Recognize how privacy and personal information are protected in research.
  3. Identify resources that address ways to participate in research.

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