Co nowego
Dziennikarz bada wpływ śmierci i straty na FTD podczas Covid-19
In a personal account of her own family’s journey with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), Post-Star reporter Kathleen…
Podejmij działanie już dziś: zorganizuj wirtualne spotkanie i powitanie
In response to COVID-19, AFTD has developed a new volunteer activity to keep people in the FTD…
Wiadomość od dyrektora generalnego AFTD
I hope that this finds you and your family safe and connected during these last weeks of…
„Niezwykła playlista Zoey” zwiększa świadomość FTD w telewizji krajowej
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, which concluded its first season on NBC in May, is helping to shine a…
Badania nad COVID-19 i FTD: wyzwania i pozytywne strony
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant new challenges for families facing FTD, and it has also brought…
Dokonywanie zmian podczas Covid-19
During these challenging and uncertain times, AFTD is extremely grateful for the steadfast commitment of our volunteers…
W centrum uwagi… Aisha Adkins, opiekunka FTD
Aisha Adkins never thought she would find herself in a caregiver role so early in life, but…
Badanie ujawnia, jak białko Tau usidla inne substancje chemiczne, tworząc toksyczne splątania
A new study has revealed dozens of previously undiscovered proteins believed to bundle with tau to form…
Rodzina z Wisconsin dzieli się podróżą PPA, dostosowując się do COVID-19
Since Wayne Zorn was diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) six years ago, he and his wife…
Rodzina z Tampy podkreśla wyzwania związane z dostosowaniem się do ograniczonych wizyt w placówkach podczas COVID-19
For the Myers family, visiting their father’s care facility was a near daily routine before the onset…
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