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Philadelphia Inquirer opowiada o walce mężczyzny z FTD

Bernie Black has FTD.  It has taken many things from him, but the love of his wife…

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Raporty LA Times na temat nauki stojącej za FTD

L.A. Times reporter Thomas Curwen follows up on his previous article on FTD with a piece on…

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Lara Jill Miller rozmawia z gazetą Hometown na temat FTD

AFTD “With Love” fundraiser Lara Jill Miller talks to her hometown newspaper in Allentown, PA about her…

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Koordynatorka regionalna Sue Gustafson rozmawia z lokalną gazetą na temat FTD

Sue Gustafson, AFTD Regional Coordinator in the Western Provinces of Canada, has taken her story about living…

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Artykuł FTD w LA Times

The Los Angeles Times ran a fantastic front-page article on FTD on Feb. 10, 2012.  Many thanks for Dr….

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Koordynatorka regionalna Sue Gustafson rozmawia o FTD z Focus Manitoba

Canadian Western Provinces Regional Coordinator Sue Gustafson and her affected husband Dave were featured in the first…

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Członek AFTD MAC, dr Karen Duff, dokonuje odkrycia na temat Tau i choroby Alzheimera

Watch this CBS video with AFTD MAC member Dr. Karen Duff as she talks about the discovery of…

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Konferencja opiekunów północno-zachodnich – 24 marca 2012 r

The Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine announces the…

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AFTD Caregiver Travel Grants

The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration offers modest financial assistance for caregivers interested in attending an FTD caregiver conference. The…

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Wiadomości kanadyjskie dotyczące znaczenia wczesnej diagnozy demencji

A television news station in Canada ran a story about the importance and benefits of early diagnosis…

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