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To może nie być choroba Parkinsona: spojrzenie na zwyrodnienie korowo-podstawne

Partners in FTD Care, Winter 2021 Download the full issue (pdf) Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare neurodegenerative…

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COVID-19: Radzenie sobie z ryzykiem dla osób z FTD i ich rodzin

Drodzy Przyjaciele, w miarę ewolucji naszego rozumienia wirusa COVID-19 chciałem napisać do Was, aby podzielić się informacjami eksperckimi…

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Mąż oddaje hołd żonie w ostatnim odcinku podcastu „Remember Me” „With Love”.

In the final special episode of the Remember Me podcast in collaboration with the 10th anniversary of the With Love campaign, Scott Rose shared his…

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Play Highlights Possible PPA Link Between “Bolero” Composer and Painter

UnRavelled, a new play written by Jake Broder, tells the uniquely connected story of two artists, French…

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Remember Me Podcast Special Episode 4 Image Linda and Kim

Córka dzieli się historią miłości do swojej „magicznej” matki w „Remember Me”

In this week’s special installment of the Remember Me podcast in partnership with the 10th anniversary of…

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Persons with Dementia Are Twice as Likely to Get COVID-19, Study Shows

Persons diagnosed with dementia have been found to be in greater risk of being infected by the…

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Syn opowiada o znajdowaniu chwil radości pomimo choroby ojca w programie „Remember Me”

On this week’s special episode of the Remember Me podcast in collaboration with the 10th anniversary of…

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Symptoms of Persons with FTD Worsening During COVID-19, Survey Shows

The decline in behavioral symptoms and social cognition during the COVID-19 pandemic has been more accelerated in…

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“Remember Me” Podcast Shares Story of Sisterly Love Amid FTD

In the latest special episode of the Remember Me podcast — in collaboration with the 10th anniversary…

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Z miłością 10. rocznica

AFTD is commemorating the 10th anniversary of our annual With Love campaign this February. During the month-long…

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