FTD-echtgenoot deelt "geleerde lessen tijdens reizen met dementie"

Emily and Tracey cropped

Emily Ingalls, whose wife the Very Rev. Tracey Lind is living with FTD, shares the lessons she has learned while traveling with dementia and offers tips for those facing similar challenges in a recent blog post.

Eerwaarde Lind werd in 2016 gediagnosticeerd met primaire progressieve afasie (PPA) en heeft publiekelijk gesproken over haar reis met de ziekte – ze deelde haar verhaal als hoofdspreker op de 2018 AFTD Onderwijsconferentie, en is prominent aanwezig in a 60 minuten segment op FTD that aired last May. Since her diagnosis, she and Emily decided to travel the world to raise awareness and talk about how they have learned to cope.

In a post on Rev. Lind’s blog “Interrupted by God,” Emily shares firsthand insight into the difficulties of traveling by air for persons with dementia and offers tips for care partners facing similar challenges.

“Travel is stressful and confusing for people with dementia, and it can be overwhelming for their care partners … It is not as much fun as it used to be, but it is possible to get where you need to go without getting shredded in the process,” she writes.

Klik hier to read the post on Rev. Lind’s website.

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