Cosa c'è di nuovo


I ricercatori scoprono che un farmaco può ridurre i deliri nelle persone affette da demenza

Researchers have found that a drug that curbs delusions in people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease did the…

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Philly Inquirer Highlights Challenges of Phone Use in Dementia

A recent Philadelphia Inquirer article draws attention to the challenges involved in phone use for persons diagnosed…

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Care Team Helps Man with FTD Celebrate His Life

An Alabama man who is living with FTD and in hospice care recently had his wish to…

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Georgia Woman Highlights Impact of Family Caregiving

A recent Georgia Health News article calls attention to the toll caregiving has on families – specifically…

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Il reporter di KJZZ riflette sull'esperienza FTD in una serie di podcast

A new podcast series that explores life after dementia offers solace to care partners and family members…

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AFTD lancia il nuovo programma di volontariato

I volontari dell'AFTD si dedicano a portare aiuto e speranza alle famiglie che affrontano l'FTD in tutto il paese….

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Uno studio australiano suggerisce che l'arte avvantaggia le persone affette da demenza

A new study from Australia highlights the benefits of art for persons diagnosed with dementia, suggesting it…

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Ricordando coloro che non hanno potuto esserci

Tara Leifer and Ross Clevens both know what it’s like to lose a parent to dementia, so…

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FTD Care Partner sottolinea l'importanza della cura di sé

Larry Gnatzig is often asked about his husband Jeff, but finds the question difficult to answer –…

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Il consorzio di ricerca finanziato dall'NIH mira alla progressione e ai trattamenti della FTD

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a significant grant to combine and continue research efforts…

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