Qué hay de nuevo


Qué hacer con… la anosognosia

Partners in FTD Care Winter 2019 Anosognosia is a lack of awareness of one’s own condition and…

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Todo está bien: anosognosia en la degeneración frontotemporal

Partners in FTD Care, Winter 2019 Download the full issue (pdf) Caring for people with FTD presents…

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Difunda el amor con la campaña With Love 2019 de AFTD

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner – and with it comes the return of AFTD’s annual…

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NY Post Highlights Book by Former FTD Care Partner

An article published in the New York Post on January 22 chronicles one woman’s journey as an…

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La AFTD invierte $2,5 millones en el programa acelerador de diagnóstico del ADDF para desarrollar biomarcadores de FTD

Leveraging generous support from our donors, AFTD’s FTD Biomarkers Initiative is expanding. We are investing $2.5MM in…

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“Compartir esperanza”: Informe anual 2018 de la AFTD

AFTD’s 2018 Annual Report documents progress made in the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2017 and ending…

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FTD y AFTD ahora incluidos en la cartera de investigación federal

AFTD has been added to the International Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Research Portfolio (IADRP), an online database…

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Alector recibe la designación de medicamento huérfano para la terapia FTD

In August, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted orphan drug designation to Alector for the…

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Un científico del Penn FTD Center recibe la primera subvención piloto de la AFTD para investigación no farmacológica

AFTD has awarded Lauren Massimo, Ph.D., CRNP, the inaugural AFTD Pilot Grant for Nonpharmacological Therapies and Tools….

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La estrella de “Days of Our Lives”, Martha Madison, genera conciencia sobre el FTD en el maratón de Dallas

Un equipo de 20 personas que participarán en el BMW Dallas Marathon (del 7 al 9 de diciembre) correrán para crear conciencia...

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