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Research Findings: Memantine Proves Ineffective as FTD Treatment

Dr. Adam Boxer of UCSF led a study on the effectiveness of memantine on people affected with…

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FTD Family Caregiver Workshop in Concord, NC – March 3, 2013

Alzheimer’s North Carolina will present an FTD Family Caregiver Workshop with presenter Dr. Don Schmechel, a neurologist…

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Canadian Radio Station Talks FTD with Sue Gustafson

CBC Radio in Saskatchewan spokes with AFTD Regional Coordinator Sue Gustafson about FTD. {The archive of this…

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Sue Gustafson Recruits AFTD Volunteers in Canada

Canadian Regional Coordinator Sue Gustafson spoke to the Prince Albert Daily Herald about recruiting volunteers in northern…

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2013 Travel Grants

If you or loved ones would like to attend AFTD’s education conference and annual meeting on April…

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AFTD 10th Anniversary Video – Care & Cure Event

AFTD created a 10-minute video with production company RedMaiden that debuted at the Care & Cure 10th Anniversary…

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The Bryant Family Creates Short FTD Documentary

The Bryant family, featured in a front-page story in the LA Times in February 2012, has created…

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Jim Tabor Talks about Hiking the Appalachian Trail for AFTD

AFTD fundraiser Jim Tabor speaks to the Record Herald in Waynesboro, PA about his father’s battle with…

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El ex primer ministro de Alberta, Ralph Klein, recibe un alto honor canadiense

Ralph Klein, former Premier of Alberta, received the Order of Canada–one of Canada’s highest honors.  Mr. Klein…

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Wendy DeLucca Takes Part in Dementia Discussions

The New Haven Independent interviewed Wendy DeLucca and a few others about caring for someone with dementia.  The…

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