AFTD und ALLFTD arbeiten bei einem Video zur Gehirnspende zusammen

Graphic: AFTD and ALLFTD Collaborate on Brain Donation Video

AFTD and ALLFTD have partnered to create a kurzes animiertes Video that explains the brain donation process, as well as how it helps FTD researchers and families affected by FTD.

Discussing brain donation can be difficult for families, so beginning the conversation early can provide family members with the time to consider options, share preferences, and make decisions.

Families who take part in donation programs receive a definitive diagnosis through brain autopsy, which is performed to confirm the biological causes of a person’s FTD. The results can sometimes shed light on aspects of a person’s FTD that were not previously detectable, and they may even reveal causes that were different than initially expected.

When brain samples are analyzed by the brain bank, the data from the analysis is made available to scientists through a database, which allows them to identify and procure the samples that best align with their research needs. These donated samples allow scientists to study the underlying mechanisms of different types of FTD, paving the way for new diagnostic tools and treatments.

We encourage you to share this video with friends and relatives, so you can start the conversation with a mutual understanding of the benefits of brain donation and what donation entails. If you have any questions about brain donation, contact AFTDs HelpLine bei 1-866-507-7222 oder

Additional Brain Donation Resources

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