Förderung der Hoffnung: AFTD veranstaltet Branchenbeirat

Text: Advancing Hope - AFTD Hosts Industry Advisory Panel Background: AFTD Director of Research Engagement Shana Dodge presents during the panel

On August 8 and 9, AFTD hosted an industry advisory panel in which a group of people whose lives have been touched by FTD shared their experiences and perspectives with companies working on potential FTD treatments. The panel included people diagnosed with FTD, current and former care partners, and biological family members of people with FTD. The panelists discussed topics such as their views and perspectives on clinical trials, genetic testing, and barriers getting timely and accurate FTD diagnoses. These discussions will help researchers design clinical trials that are maximally beneficial for people impacted by FTD.

For more information on sharing your experiences with FTD to help improve FTD research, contact AFTD’s Director of Research Engagement, Shana Dodge, at sdodge@theaftd.org.
For more information on current FTD research opportunities visit our Studies Seeking Participants page und die FTD-Krankheitsregister

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