Måder at støtte AFTD med en årsafslutningsgave

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As we approach the end of 2020, AFTD is grateful for the dedication and generosity of the volunteers, donors and partners who are essential to our work.

If you have the means, there are a number of ways to support AFTD’s mission as the year draws to a close. Making a gift today will provide support, information and direct assistance to families affected by FTD, and advance research to find treatments and a cure for this disease.

Gaver til hyldest — Making a year-end gift in honor or memory of someone is a special way to celebrate their impact on your life and recognize their FTD journey. The easiest way to make a tribute donation is through AFTDs hjemmeside.

Gaver af lager — With a gift of stock, you can help drive and sustain AFTD’s impact in communities throughout the country. Additionally, any gift of stock made before the end of the year can provide you with tax benefits for 2020. More information can be found her.

Donor-adviserede fonde — A growing number of donors are choosing to use donor-advised funds to contribute to the charitable missions they support. If you have established a donor-advised fund, you can make a gift to AFTD by using the DAF Direkte tool, or by contacting your sponsoring financial organization or financial advisor.

Månedlig Giv — AFTD’s Sustainers of Hope make monthly gifts to support our mission. When you establish a monthly gift, you help to expand AFTD’s impact and sustainability and bring the reach of our work to more families. Simply access this link, and choose to become a Sustainer of Hope by selecting Monthly i Om Min gave afsnit.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) — Pledges made by United States federal employees, including civilian, postal and military members, support charities throughout the world as part of the largest U.S. workplace giving program, the Combined Federal Campaign. If you are a federal employee who would like to support our mission, you can afgive et løfte til AFTD ved at bruge vores CFC-nummer: 20444.

AmazonSmile — If you shop with Amazon, we encourage you to choose AFTD as your designated charity by visiting smile.amazon.com. Fra hvert kvalificeret køb vil 0,5% blive doneret til støtte for vores mission. Som ubegrænsede bidrag kan donationer modtaget fra AmazonSmile-programmet hjælpe med at drive alt AFTD's arbejde.

CARES Act — AFTD does not provide legal or tax advice, but be sure to ask a financial or legal advisor about how the CARES Act can affect your annual charitable giving deductions. For those who do not itemize deductions, this law allows a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made in 2020. Additionally, the CARES Act temporarily suspends limits on charitable contributions. More information can be found through the IRS’s website, or again, through your legal or financial advisor.

Gifts made through many of these channels can be designated to wherever the need is greatest or to support one of our mission areas of Advocacy, Caregiver Respite, Drug Discovery, Quality of Life for People with FTD, Research, or Support.

Hvis du har spørgsmål om disse valgmuligheder ved årets udgang, bedes du kontakte Amanda Knight på aknight@theaftd.org eller ring til os på 267-514-7221.

Thank you for considering a donation to drive AFTD’s work. Together, we can build a world with compassionate care, effective support and a future free of FTD.

We wish you peace, comfort and hope for the holidays and the New Year ahead.

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