AFTD seniordirektør for videnskabelige initiativer diskuterer FTD og ALS på 2022 Target ALS årsmøde

Photo of Penny Dacks, PhD being interviewed by Steven Schonberg

AFTD Senior Director of Scientific Initiatives Penny Dacks, PhD, discussed the overlapping disease pathology between ALS and FTD under et interview gennemført på 2022 Target ALS Annual Meeting, afholdt 3.-5. maj i Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Under samtalen med Mål ALS Director of Communications Steve Schonberg, available to watch on the Target ALS YouTube channel, Dr. Dacks explained how the C9orf72 gene mutation causes both ALS and FTD.

“Certain individuals have C9orf72 mutations that can manifest as ALS or FTD or a combination thereof,” Dr. Dacks said. “Behavioral variant FTD and ALS can coincide, and that happens most frequently with families who are affected by the C9orf72 mutations.”

Dr. Dacks explained the science behind how C9orf72 gene mutations affect persons who inherit the gene. As a person with the C9orf72 gene ages, “those causes of damage become more prevalent and it starts to create a chain reaction of damage,” Dr. Dacks noted.

maj er ALS-bevidsthedsmåned and throughout the month, AFTD is raising awareness around an ALS with FTD diagnosis. To aid in the discovery of biomarkers and viable treatments for ALS and FTD, AFTD partnered with Target ALS in 2020 to fund six collaborative projects aimed at assessing promising potential ways to detect — and therapeutic strategies to address — ALS/FTD pathology.

Ved at forene kræfterne, Mål ALS og AFTD har udnyttet den kombinerede ekspertise hos forskere inden for to felter, hvilket fremmer samarbejdet til støtte for de mest lovende ideer. Disse projekter vil informere, og potentielt resultere i, både levedygtige behandlinger og de biomarkører, der er kritisk nødvendige for at muliggøre nøjagtig diagnose og måle sygdomsprogression.

Click here to learn more about ALS og FTD.

Watch the Target ALS interview featuring AFTD Senior Director of Scientific Initiatives Penny Dacks, PhD, her.

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