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Når samtalen stopper: Logopenisk variant Primær progressiv afasi

Partners in FTD Care, Fall 2020 Download the full issue (pdf) Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative…

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AFTD-Backed Research Offers Insights into C9orf72 Protein Structure

New AFTD-funded research published in Nature provides important insights into the structure of the C9orf72 protein, which…

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Alabama Family deler FTD-rejse, taler om vigtigheden af forbindelse

Although FTD has robbed Gene Guy of the ability to talk, he still communicates with his daughter,…

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AFTD and ADDF Announce Major New Investments in FTD Research

AFTD and The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today four new research awards to scientists looking…

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Maine-familien skal være vært for AFTD Food for Thought-kampagne, øge FTD-bevidstheden

For the Beal family, AFTD’s Food for Thought campaign presents an opportunity to share their journey with…

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UCSF-forskere identificerer hjernens immunsystem som en drivkraft bag FTD

For years, researchers have been trying to solve the puzzle of just how FTD starts to break…

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Rev. Tracey Lind åbner fotoudstilling, doner en del af salget til at støtte AFTD

The work of Very Rev. Tracey Lind will be on display at Foothill Galleries, located in Cleveland…

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UK Resident Shares Challenges, Fears of FTD Journey

For 28-year-old Jess Crawford, her mother’s recent FTD diagnosis has led to challenges and fears, leaving her…

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Depression Worsens Over Time for Dementia Caregivers, Study Suggests

Caring for a partner or spouse with a new dementia diagnosis is associated with worsening, and long-lasting,…

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Next Avenue understreger den økonomiske virkning af demenspleje midt i COVID-19

In a recent article, Next Avenue highlights the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on those caring…

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