The Importance of Recording Resistant Behaviors


Partners in FTD Care, Spring 2020
Download the full issue (pdf)

Caring for someone with FTD can be extremely challenging. Common FTD symptoms such as confusion, loss of control and lack of awareness can manifest as resistant behaviors that make caregiving even more difficult.

The first step to managing these behaviors is to record them as they happen. By using a calendar to note the day, time and nature of each act of resistance, care partners and family members can gain crucial insight. What are the potential triggers? What words best characterize the behaviors (impatience, anxiety, frustration, irritability, agitation, aggression)? Which strategies seem to help? Which ones don’t?

This information should be shared with relevant care team members to ensure everyone is on the same page. Together, they can arrive at a deeper understanding of the specific resistant behaviors displayed by the person diagnosed, which can point toward non-pharmacological solutions (for example, adaptations to the home environment designed to reduce triggering situations and/or de-escalate resistant behaviors when they arise).

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