Kära hjälplinje: Hantera genetisk osäkerhet

Dear HelpLine: Dealing With Genetic Uncertainty

Dear HelpLine, Each time I visit home for the holidays and see firsthand how FTD has affected my parent, my anxiety increases. Is it normal to worry that other family members will develop FTD, too – or that I will get it myself? The holiday season is a time for family gatherings. While opportunities to…

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AFTD och ADDF förlänger Treat FTD Fund Program till 2035

Graphic: AFTD and ADDF Extend Treat FTD Fund Through 2035

AFTD and the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) have committed to extending the Treat FTD Fund program through 2035, providing an additional ten years of support to accelerate treatment development for FTD disorders. The Treat FTD program provides essential funding for early-stage clinical trials testing disease-modifying and symptom-relieving treatments. While the program supports experimental drugs,…

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Genterapi för FTD: Vad behöver jag veta?

Under de senaste åren har nya kliniska prövningar påbörjats för läkemedel som potentiellt kan bromsa eller stoppa utvecklingen av FTD orsakad av specifika gener. Genterapi och genredigeringsteknologier som har varit tillgängliga för andra sjukdomar och tillstånd lovar en behandling för FTD, men som med alla nya medicinska ingrepp,...

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The Lived Experience of FTD: Grief on the FTD Journey

Graphic: The Lived Experience of FTD - Grief on the FTD Journey

The following article was written by members of AFTD’s Persons with FTD Advisory Council, who work to ensure that the insights and voices of people living with FTD help guide AFTD’s policies, programs, and services. The definition of grief is “a keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.” Grief…

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Tips och råd: Navigera i Apathy i FTD

Graphic: Tips & Advice - Navigating Apathy in FTD

A hallmark symptom of FTD, apathy can be particularly hard to deal with for persons diagnosed, care partners, and family members. Apathy manifests as an apparent loss of interest in things that used to have meaning to a person diagnosed; it could present as a lack of enjoyment during a holiday gathering, a decline in…

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Advancing Hope: AFTD är värd för FTD Social på Society for Neurosciences årsmöte

Graphic: Advancing Hope - AFTD hosts FTD Social at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting.

The Society for Neuroscience (SfN), with nearly 35,000 members in 95 countries, is the world’s largest professional organization for brain researchers. SfN’s annual meeting provides a forum for scientists from around the globe to present the results of their research, discover new ideas, engage with colleagues, and learn about new tools and techniques they can…

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