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Processo tipicamente ligado à física ajuda pesquisadores a entender melhor a neurodegeneração

O mesmo processo que faz com que gotas de orvalho se formem nas folhas da grama parece desempenhar um…

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Pesquisadores alemães identificam biomarcador potencial para melhorar o diagnóstico de PSP

Researchers in Germany have identified a potential biomarker that shows promise in helping to achieve earlier and…

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Menina de Dallas, de oito anos, arrecadando dinheiro para apoiar a AFTD com treinos de fim de semana

Para uma menina de oito anos em Dallas, um acampamento de fitness de verão criado por ela mesma se tornou uma maneira...

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Pesquisadores sugerem que a apatia, e não a depressão, oferece sinais de alerta precoce de demência

A new study out of the University of Cambridge has identified apathy – not depression – as…

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Novo estudo detalha como a síndrome corticobasal deixou o cientista incapaz de ver certos números

In a new study thought to be the first of its kind, researchers detail a nearly decade-long…

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Pesquisadores identificam novo fator de risco para DFT e outras doenças neurodegenerativas

A group of scientists have identified a new risk factor for multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including FTD, ALS…

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Study Shows Disproportionately High Care Costs for People with Dementia

People with dementia experience significantly higher costs of care compared to those without dementia, and the burden…

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A estrela de “Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist” Jane Levy descreve o impacto de interpretar Zoey

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist star Jane Levy describes how she shaped her character and the experience of filming…

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Ohio Family Rallies Around Father with FTD

Erica and JD Benton, of Ohio, never thought they would end up working in their father Chip’s…

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Oregon Woman Shares How COVID Isolation Is Impacting Husband’s Dementia

When John Knight was diagnosed with young-onset dementia, he and his wife Carol vowed to do everything…

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