Webinar AFTD: A jornada para o diagnóstico em FTD
Join us for, The Journey to Diagnosis in FTD, an educational webinar that will explore several patients cases of varying ages and backgrounds, to help you better understand how doctors arrive at an FTD diagnosis.
About the Presenter: Bradley Boeve, MD, Chair of Behavioral Neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and AFTD Medical Advisory Council member is the presenting speaker. His clinical and research interests include neurodegenerative disorders that cause cognitive impairment/dementia.
Day: Thursday, October 20th, 2016
Tempo: 1pm (PT), 2pm (MT), 3pm (CT), 4pm (ET)
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Inscrição: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/701891215560779778
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