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Fotografia de Gavin

11 de janeiro de 2023


Aspiring young photographer, Gavin German, is donating 10% of his photography sales made on his website to support AFTD’s mission.

Gavin’s father was diagnosed with FTD at the age of 39. Recently, Gavin won first place in the Humans of Dementia Highschool Photography Contest with a photography portrait of his father. That piece is currently on exhibit in Photoville in New York City.

Gavin’s mother shares that he has become quite active and brave in spreading FTD awareness and even presented a PowerPoint on Primary Progressive Aphasia — the variant of FTD his father has — to his high school class.

To view Gavin’s website, please click here: gavingermanphotography.zenfoliosite.com



11 de janeiro de 2023
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