AFTD Ambassador Program Enters Its Third Year

Blog - AFTD Ambassador Program Enters Its Third Year

In 2019, AFTD created a new opportunity for volunteer leadership by launching our Ambassador program. Ambassadors are AFTD volunteers who represent AFTD on the ground in their local community. They help identify opportunities to raise awareness of FTD, conduct outreach efforts, network with healthcare professionals, and speak publicly to share their insights on FTD.

AFTD was happy to welcome a cohort of five new Ambassadors in May, bringing the total of Ambassadors to twelve.

“When I was asked to become Ambassador, I jumped at the chance to help educate the public and healthcare community about FTD,” Alabama Ambassador Jerry Horn said.

From July to September, Ambassadors held 10 awareness activities, including staffing booths at in-person and virtual events, and Meet & Greets. Five Ambassadors led successful campaigns for this year’s Food for Thought fundraising campaign. Additionally, the Ambassadors have committed to working on a common goal to increase the impact of collective outreach efforts by reaching out to their regional Veterans Affairs medical and caregiver resource centers.

AFTD’s diverse cohort of Ambassadors pursues a varied slate of interests to help AFTD advance its mission.

South Carolina Ambassador Katie Zenger joined a new AFTD advocacy advisory group, bringing her and insight from serving on a state committee addressing research on dementia. In addition to serving on the planning committee for AFTD’s Hope Rising Benefit, New York Ambassador Corey Esannason also holds regular awareness and education presentations at healthcare facilities. Washington State Ambassador Joanne Linerud serves on the Patient Advisory Council of Passage Bio, sharing her lived experience of FTD with the pharmaceutical industry.

“I became an Ambassador to extend my reach to others in my community who need help and support, and to champion for improvements in care, treatment, and services,” said Oregon Ambassador Melissa Fisher. “When I first heard the word FTD at the diagnosis of my dad, I was lost and felt like my head was on fire. Through a friend, I connected with [AFTD] — and that was the very first time I felt heard and understood. There is still so much that needs to be done to make this journey better, but starting from where I am and what I’ve learned, I want to pay it forward and make a difference in the lives of people impacted by FTD.”

AFTD’s Ambassadors exemplify the resilience and commitment that drive our entire volunteer community. If you would like to connect with a local AFTD rep and help us bring the world closer to a future without FTD, an Ambassador can help you get started! Click here to get in contact with an Ambassador nearest you.

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