Volunteer Update: Hosting an Information Table Event

Hosting an information table on behalf of AFTD gives our volunteers a perfect way to bring awareness to their hometowns. AFTD volunteers can use information tables to engage, educate, and inform their communities about FTD, as well as provide AFTD materials and resources. Table settings can happen at events such as health and wellness fairs, conferences, and other community events. AFTD volunteers are responsible for identifying upcoming events in their community, facilitating introductions, and requesting participation.
How do these volunteers identify such opportunities? Below are some types of community events where an FTD informational table would be appropriate, listed from highest- to lowest-priority opportunities:
- Healthcare Professional Opportunities:
- Large area hospitals like Northwestern, Massachusetts General, and other well-known hospitals have dementia or behavioral health-focused events. These can be found by checking their websites for dementia-focused activities.
- Healthcare industry organizations, like Arden Courts, Sunrise, Right at Home, etc., often have wellness events.
- Health, Wellness, and Aging Opportunities:
- Make friends with your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter – they seem to know all the events and will share information with you.
- Churches, local AARP chapters, Area Agencies on Aging, local governments, and fire and police departments often hold wellness events.
- Senior centers like to sponsor events and are always looking for participants.
- Libraries occasionally have wellness events or events for specific diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
- The Veterans Affairs Caregiver Support Program holds wellness-focused events, or other events that would be relevant.
- Caregiver Opportunities:
- Elder care or senior care organizations and companies put on events and are always looking for organizations to participate. You can find them by Googling elder care, geriatric care, senior events, etc., in your town or state.
- Conferences featuring Teepa Snow or her dementia program are excellent caregiver conferences for dementia caregivers.
- General Public Opportunities:
- Look for events hosted by your community where health or volunteer organizations are represented.

We always welcome volunteers who are interested in staffing information tables on our behalf. Information tables give volunteers a unique opportunity to talk about FTD from their own personal experiences, to share AFTD resources, and to connect with others affected by the disease. Over the years, thousands of people across the country have benefited by having an AFTD volunteer simply take the time to staff these tables. Our hope is that the entire country — from large cities to the most rural areas — can get learn more about FTD and the ways AFTD can help families on the FTD journey.
“Hosting an AFTD information table is about creating an inviting space, extending an understanding heart, providing time to talk and listen, and offering resources to individuals and families facing FTD,” said AFTD volunteer Kathy Lafone. “Whether an interaction lasts 60 seconds, 15 minutes, or more, making a face-to-face connection has the potential to provide reassurance and hope. Hosting and providing support at an AFTD information table, whether going solo or teaming with another volunteer, gives tangible meaning to the phrase ‘You don’t have to take this journey alone.’”
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