July’s Volunteer of the Month: Sandy Karger

volunteer of the month Sandy Karger image

July’s volunteer of the month is Sandy Karger. Following her husband’s FTD diagnosis 13 years ago, longtime volunteer Sandy knew she wanted to help others affected by this disease. “AFTD has been my lifeline during the progression of Bob’s illness, and volunteering has been my way of giving back in some small way – helping others as we journey together on this challenging path.”

As a dedicated co-facilitator for a Philadelphia-area support group, Sandy provides a valuable resource for other FTD caregivers. She has also brought FTD awareness to the local community through table settings and raised funds to advance AFTD’s mission as a Food for Thought host.

“Volunteering has given me purpose and added meaning to a situation that at times appears meaningless, and can be fraught with loss, pain and frustration. It has also allowed me to contribute to the mission of this wonderful organization which I have had the joy of watching as it has grown over the past years.

“My interactions with the staff always bring new insights and knowledge and provide a deep sense of the hope and support…I have to say that I truly receive more than I give, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the mission of AFTD, and to assist others who are providing care for family, friends, and significant others who have FTD.”

AFTD is immensely grateful to Sandy for her service, and for the vital support she provides to those in her community who are impacted by FTD. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our national volunteer network, please visit our website to learn more or fill out our volunteer form to get connected with a Volunteer Coordinator.

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