Webinar: The Physical Therapist’s Role in FTD Care

Movement and physical activity are important parts of our daily lives. Yet for some people with FTD, movement challenges can decrease independence and increase falls. How can a physical therapist promote safety and physical activity? This AFTD Educational Webinar describes physical therapy (PT) and its role in managing FTD movement symptoms and decreasing falls while also maximizing independence and maintaining physical activity.

Erica Pitsch, PT, MPT, DPT, NCS, associate clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco, highlights the specific benefits of PT for those with FTD. She also discusses how families and persons diagnosed with FTD can best access and utilize PT services.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The learner will better understand how individuals with FTD can benefit from PT.
  2. The learner will be able to differentiate PT from occupational therapy.
  3. The learner will be able to understand when and how to investigate, advocate for, and obtain PT services.
  4. The learner will have at least one strategy to use to increase activity level.

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