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Collages created by Cathey Merrill to honor and remember her late husband Ron, who was diagnosed with bvFTD

Words of Encouragement: Coloring Book Collages

Coloring Book Collages by Cathey Merrill Ron and I married when I was 17 and he was…

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How to Support AFTD’s Mission through Your Workplace 

AFTD’s volunteers and donors are essential to advancing our mission. Each contribution of time and funds provides…

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Researchers at the Universities of Edinburgh and Oxford have found evidence that the drug terasozin could help prevent motor neuron death in people with ALS

Blood Pressure Medication Could Protect Against Motor Neuron Death in ALS 

A joint study by the University of Edinburgh and University of Oxford has found that the drug…

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Researchers at the University of Sydney have discovered that an abnormal protein could be a common link between forms of motor neuron disease

Study Finds Abnormal Protein that Could Be Common Link Between Forms of Motor Neuron Disease 

A new study by researchers at the University of Sydney has uncovered an abnormal protein that could…

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Photo of residents sitting outside in a Dementia Village Care Facility

“Dementia Village” Care Facility Model Gives Residents More Freedom 

A recent report by Vox featured a Dutch “dementia village” that gives residents a great deal of…

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Researchers in Germany have found remarkable simiarlities between bvFTD and schizophrenia

Study Finds Similarities Between bvFTD and Schizophrenia 

A study recently published in JAMA Psychiatry revisited a 120-year-old theory on “premature dementia” and has discovered…

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NIH Unveils Web Portal to Give Researchers Access to Stem Cell Lines for FTD  

The National Institutes of Health’s Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias (CARD) recently unveiled a new web…

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Photo of dementia advocates Gwenda Darling and Kevyn Morris

Dementia Advocates Emphasize Importance of Early Diagnosis and Awareness

In a recent interview, two dementia advocates in Australia explained that while receiving an early dementia diagnosis…

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Bob Powers performed his one person show "Chasing Rainbows" in Portland in honor of his late husband, Donald, and to raise money for AFTD's mission

“Chasing Rainbows” Play Debuts in Portland, Raises Funds for AFTD’s Mission

Stage actor Bob Powers debuted his one-person play Chasing Rainbows: A Story of Love, Loss, and Finding…

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Photo of Canadian artist Haley Stewart, who is living with FTD, working on one of her artistic creations.

Canadian Artist with FTD Shares How Nature and Art have Helped Her Mental Health

A Canadian artist diagnosed with a form of frontotemporal degeneration shared how making art while living with…

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