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FTD in the News

Dementia That’s Neither Alzheimer’s Nor Easy

NPR Member Station Reports on Dementia That’s Neither Alzheimer’s Nor Easy Peter O’Dowd of NPR member station…

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Philadelphia Inquirer Details AFTD-Funded Research

Fruit fly genes yeilding clues to a deadly disease The article by Staff Writer Tom Avril (Philadelphia Inquirer,…

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NYT runs tribute by Elinor Lipman

Sweetest at the End By ELINOR LIPMAN Published: New York Times April 9, 2010 “Disease could have…

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Drug Discovery Awards Announced

On April 6, 2010 the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and the Association for Frontotemporal Dementias (AFTD)…

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Catch us on CNN

CNN featured FTD throughout the day on Monday, December 14, 2009 in several pieces that highlighted the…

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Manitoba TV features AFTD Volunteer

Susan Gustafson, AFTD Regional Coordinator for Canada’s Western Provinces, was featured in a local television spot in Winnepeg,…

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The Role of Palliative Care in Dementia

An October 20, 2009 New York Times article points out that “The lack of understanding about the physical toll…

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Ft. Myers Article Raises Awareness

The November 8, 2009 edition of the Fort Myers News-Press included an article of the Willin Family’s…

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Dallas paper puts FTD on page one

AFTD Board Member Bill Brown and his family share their experiences with FTD with a reporter from…

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FTD Featured on “Sacramento and Company” October 13th

FTD will be the topic of a segment on Channel 10/ABC local morning show “Sacramento and Company”…

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