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Taniec w deszczu Philipa Bimsteina

Philip Bimstein, muzyk i wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Utah, napisał, skomponował i wykonał…

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To ja, Sydney Grau

Developed by college students at Penn State, the Kith & Kin project showcases the stories of eight…

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Painting called Sensory Overload by Max McCormick

Przeciążenie sensoryczne – Maxanne McCormick

Artist Maxanne McCormick, who lives with FTD, wrote that her painting Sensory Overload shows how she feels,…

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In Our Dreams, by Helen Keough Sears

In this essay Helen compares her experiences with her husband’s FTD to a car being driven off…

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Mój ojciec kocha ptaki — Jessica Dutton

Jessica Dutton crafts a beautiful story about her father affected with FTD and his love of birds….

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Wiadomość dla odważnych! Opieka nad umierającą ukochaną osobą – Gary Radin

Gary Radin lost his father in 1999 to FTD. His story tells how his family made adjustments…

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Walka z demencją dziadka, Daniel Miller

Eleventh grader Daniel Miller recounts the time spent with his grandfather and how their interaction changed as…

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Coś o Maryi – Cheryl Fischer

Cheryl describes her mother, Mary, as vibrant, full of life and an inspiration for how to enjoy…

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Piosenka dla mamy – LJ Miller

LJ began to wonder why she and her mom were growing apart. Always a phone call away,…

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Wezmę to” – Dolly Barr

Robert E. Barr had a Masters Degree and Honorary Doctorate of Christian Service. He worked as a…

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