Advancing Hope: obecność personelu AFTD na międzynarodowej konferencji Stowarzyszenia Alzheimera w 2023 r

Graphic: Advancing Hope - AFTD Present at the 2023 Alzheimer's Association International Conference

Senior Director of Scientific Initiatives Penny Dacks, PhD, and Director of Research and Grants Debra Niehoff, PhD, represented AFTD at the 2023 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference held July 14-15 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The conference brought together researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry specialists to share recent discoveries and novel best practices for treating and preventing neurodegenerative…

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Światowy Tydzień Świadomości FTD 2023

World FTD United, an international coalition of FTD-focused organizations, wants to show the world how a dedicated global community can rally together for action, ensure that no one faces FTD alone, raise greater awareness, and advance research during World FTD Awareness Week 2023 (Sept. 24 – Oct. 1). If you want to get a head…

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Pokarm do przemyśleń 2023

Food for Think to oddolna kampania zbierania funduszy i podnoszenia świadomości, skupiająca się na edukacji w zakresie żywności i FTD. Wydarzenie Food for Think, które odbędzie się w dniach 24 września – 8 października 2023 r., obejmuje Światowy Tydzień Świadomości FTD. W tym czasie ludzie na całym świecie „Spędzajcie czas z przyjaciółmi i rodziną. Podejmij działanie.” Gospodarze Food for Think opowiadają swoje historie, uświadamiając ludzi…

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Ambasador AFTD podkreśla w podcaście potrzebę lepszej opieki nad osobami z demencją

Graphic: AFTD Ambassador Emphasizes Need for Better Dementia Care in Podcast

Melissa Fisher, AFTD Ambassador and a senior strategic marketing consultant at Kaiser Permanente Northwest, shared the realities of being an FTD care partner while emphasizing emphasized the need for better dementia care pathways in an episode of VIE Healthcare’s podcast. Caregiving is difficult; most family care partners are unpaid, untrained, and often overwhelmed. Yet, care…

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AFTD i Passage Bio omawiają terapie zaprojektowane dla FTD-GRN

Banner graphic: AFTD 2023 Education Conference - William Chou, MD, of Passage Bio interview

AFTD recently spoke with Passage Bio Chief Executive Officer William Chou, M.D., about his colleagues’ work to develop an effective therapeutic designed to treat FTD-GRN. *Responses have been edited for clarity and length.   Can you share some background on Passage Bio’s approach to developing an FTD-focused therapeutic? As we know, there are some forms…

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Artykuł gościnny: My Ohana – Refleksja nad bliskimi więziami, jakie budujemy podczas podróży FTD

Graphic: Guest Feature - My Ohana - Reflecting on the close bonds we build on the FTD journey

FTD symptoms and the stigma attached can make navigating the disease an isolating experience for people diagnosed, care partners, and family. Support groups are a common way for people on the FTD journey to connect with others and share their experiences. However, as AFTD Ambassador for Oregon Melissa Fisher shares, connecting with people through these…

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Wyniki badań: lek na schizofrenię zmniejsza agregację białka Tau w modelach komórkowych i mysich

Graphic: schizophrenia drug reduces tau aggregation in cell and mouse models, study finds

Amisulpride, an antipsychotic drug, is capable of reducing aggregation of the tau protein in cell and mouse models, according to a study published earlier this year. While the drug could be a potential disease-modifying treatment for tau-based FTD, further trials with human participants are necessary. Tau is one of a few proteins that can accumulate…

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Wydarzenie społeczności Duke Caregiver — 7 września 2023 r

AFTD Ambassador Jerry Lazarus and former AFTD Board member and support group facilitator Paul Lester will be hosting an AFTD exhibitor table at the Duke Caregiver Community Event in Durham, North Carolina. This in-person event offers insights from experts, and ways to connect caregivers to essential services and support systems. The Duke Caregiver Community Event…

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