Ładowanie Wydarzenia

Seminarium internetowe: Co powinieneś wiedzieć o pierwotnej afazji postępującej (PPA)

grudzień 13. 2018 o 15:00 - 16:30 EST

Emily Rogalski

In the next AFTD Educational Webinar, Dr. Emily Rogalski from Northwestern University in Chicago will explore aspects of PPA that all persons and families living with FTD and their health providers should know. Her presentation will address PPA clinical syndromes and the latest in diagnosis and treatment of the disorder, including speech therapy and augmentative and alternative communication tools. She will introduce PPA pathology and genetics, and discuss their relevance to current and emerging areas of research.

Rejestracja tutaj. If you are unable to watch the webinar as it streams live, Dr. Rogalski’s presentation will be recorded and archived on our website within one week of broadcast. (Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć cały nasz katalog webinarów edukacyjnych.)


grudzień 13, 2018
15:00 - 16:30 EST
Kategorie Wydarzenie:
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