AFTD Volunteers Share FTD Insights with Being Patient Live Talk

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AFTD volunteer Katie Brandt and AFTD Medical Advisory Council chair Brad Dickerson, MD, were featured in a recent edition of Being Patient Live Talk. Brandt and Dr. Dickerson spoke with Being Patient’s founder Deborah Kan, providing insights into FTD and answering audience questions. Dr. Dickerson provided viewers with an overview of FTD from a medical…

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Study Examines the Care Partner’s Perspective on bvFTD Symptoms

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A study published in the medical journal Psychogeriatrics examines the perspective of care partners on symptoms of behavioral variant frontotemporal degeneration (bvFTD). One of bvFTD’s most common symptoms is anosognosia, which is characterized by a lack of insight into one’s illness and the associated limitations that come with it. Because of anosognosia, care partners of…

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Help & Support: Guidance for Advance Care Planning

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Completing advance care planning documents such as living wills, healthcare advance directives, or healthcare power of attorney is a task many tend to put off. Discussions around advance care planning can be uncomfortable, complicated, and emotional for many families, and many do not even know where to begin. Advance care planning is the documentation of…

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Condition with bvFTD-Like Symptoms Can Be Treated with Surgery, Study Says

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According to a recent study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, a condition with symptoms identical to those of behavioral variant frontotemporal degeneration (bvFTD) can be identified by finding a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak using a specific kind of medical imaging, then reduced using a surgical procedure to fix the leak.…

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Machine-Learning Algorithms Can Recognize Rare Dementias Such as FTD, Study Finds

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A study published in the Neuroimage: Clinical medical journal found that machine-learning algorithms are capable of recognizing patterns of atrophy associated with rarer neurodegenerative diseases such as FTD. Conducted by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences and the University of Leipzig Medical Center in Germany, the study was intended…

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A Lot Like Fun – Only Different

A Lot Like Fun – Only Different is a book about friendship. It features Chris Kelley, who is living with FTD. Author Jack Livingston says, “Chris was the ringleader of ‘cool stuff,’ routinely sweeping up anyone that was willing to join him in his rule-bending escapades. Chris was the guy who was always up for…

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Advancing Hope: What is Familial FTD?

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When a relative is diagnosed with FTD, the AFTD HelpLine is often asked, “Could I also develop FTD?” What they are really asking is – is my loved one’s FTD genetic? Are that person’s siblings and children at risk of familial FTD? The AFTD HelpLine can assist you with the decision to consult with a…

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