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Help onze helpende handen een handje!

AFTD Volunteer Nanci Anderson As care partner for Gary, her husband of 38 years, AFTD Volunteer Nanci…

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Gezinnen vanaf het begin ondersteunen

“We hebben ons zo lang afgevraagd wat er met mama aan de hand was”, zegt Amber Dickson. Het gedrag van haar moeder...

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Spotlight on...David Pfeifer, raad van bestuur van AFTD

Nadat hij FTD uit de eerste hand had ervaren als zorgpartner voor zijn vrouw Cathy, voelde David Pfeifer zich gedwongen om…

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Marc and Gretchen Toles

De strandwandeling, door Marc Toles

The summer of 2007 was proving to be one of the most difficult times in our marriage. The…

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Overspoeld met geluid, door Tim Ramsey

We first noticed Dad’s hearing loss when he was in his early sixties. He would ask us…

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Gedicht, door Lori Ruhlman

One of the difficult aspects of FTD is that the loved one is still physically present. In…

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Frontotemporale dementie is waardeloos, door Robin Albright

A wife describes the heartbreak of learning of her husband’s diagnosis and the struggles of managing the…

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Nadenken over hoop, door Robin Albright

While having a particularly bad day, Robin Albright chooses to see that there is hope. Click here…

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Door de ogen van een mantelzorger

In this essay, a husband describes his path to accepting his wife’s diagnosis. Click here to read.

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Caregiver, by Maureen Walsh

This poem describes one caregiver’s experience with the toll caregiving exacts.

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