Laden Evenementen

Webinar: De ALS-FTD klinische ervaring in beeld brengen

10 december 2019 om 16:00 uur - 17:30 uur Est


In the next AFTD Educational Webinar, Dr. Beth Rush from the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL will provide an in-depth look at the ALS-FTD overlap experience. She will discuss the signs and features of motor neuron disease and how the presence of overlapping ALS-FTD symptoms changes the experience of the person with the disease. Dr. Rush’s presentation will examine ideal approaches for monitoring and responding to symptoms over time, and explore opportunities for the clinical experience to evolve and better reflect the rapidly evolving understanding of ALS-FTD overlap.

Registreer hier. If you are unable to watch the webinar as it streams live, Dr. Rush’s presentation will be recorded and archived on our website within one week of broadcast. (Klik hier om onze volledige catalogus met educatieve webinars te bekijken.)