Avanzare la speranza: AFTD e Target ALS annunciano $5MM in sovvenzioni per la ricerca

AFTD target als grants for research image

Target ALS and AFTD have announced $5 million in grants for research by six different teams to aid in the discovery of biomarkers and viable treatments for ALS and FTD, which overlap in genetic causes and biological mechanisms. Several of the teams who were awarded these grants include former AFTD grant recipients.

Unendo le forze, Target ALS e AFTD stanno sfruttando l'esperienza combinata dei ricercatori in due campi, alimentando la collaborazione a sostegno delle idee più promettenti. Questi progetti appena finanziati informeranno, e potenzialmente daranno luogo, sia a trattamenti vitali che a biomarcatori di fondamentale importanza per consentire una diagnosi accurata e misurare la progressione della malattia.

“We’re proud to join Target ALS in announcing funding for these crucial funding efforts,” AFTD CEO Susan L-J Dickinson, MSGC, said. “With the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic is adding for the families we serve, we want them to know that we are working as hard as ever to bring momentum for a day when treatments can halt FTD and ALS in their tracks.”

clicca qui for more information on the research partnership, including a brief overview of each funded award.

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