Cosa c'è di nuovo

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Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. Robert Ludlum

Messaggi di Speranza

#MessaggiDiSperanza #FTD #TenzioneFTD #endFTD #radizione #demenza #speranza #citazionedelgiorno

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The people who have been through the most are the people with the most to give. Claire Wineland

Messaggi di Speranza

#MessaggiDiSperanza #FTD #TensioneFTD #endFTD #demenza #radizionemalattia #citazionedelgiorno

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A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing.

Messaggi di Speranza

Aggrappati alla speranza. #MessaggiDiSperanza #FTD #TensioneFTD #tendenzaFTD #demenza #radizione#speranza #citazionedelgiorno

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The only mistake you can make is not asking for help. Sandeep Jauhar

Messaggi di Speranza

It’s another Messages of Hope Monday- we invite you to follow us on Instagram, then regram and…

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Love gives us strength to do the impossible.

Messaggi di Speranza

Our Messages of Hope are posted to Instagram every Monday. Tell your friends & family to follow…

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Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. Helen Keller

Messaggi di Speranza

Non andare da solo. #MessaggiDiSperanza #FTD #PensareFTD #endFTD #demenza #raredisease #insieme #meglioinsieme #Helen Keller #citazionedelgiorno

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Don't just be good to others. Be good to yourself too.

Messaggi di Speranza

An especially important reminder as we head into the hectic holiday season. #MessagesOfHope #FTD #ThinkFTD #endFTD #dementia…

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We rise by lifting others. Robert G. Ingersoll

Messaggi di Speranza

Follow us on Instagram to view our new project: Messages of Hope offers support & encouragement to caregivers, persons…

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Donald Newhouse onora il suo defunto fratello in un'intervista

Donald Newhouse, president of Advance Publications, spoke about both his late brother, Si, as well as his…

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Conferenza sull'istruzione AFTD coperta dai giornali di connessione

AFTD’s 2017 Education Conference was the focus of an article published on the website of Connection Newspapers…

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