Cosa c'è di nuovo

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Howard Glick’s Blog Surpasses 100,000 Visitors

Howard Glick, who is affected with FTD, began a blog in 2011 about his journey with FTD. …

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Webinar gratuito – Afferma te stesso per le sfide del caregiver

19 novembre – Webinar gratuito tenuto da Janet Edmundson, M.Ed. – Afferma te stesso per le sfide del caregiver (5° di...

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Film Shows Family’s Love in the Face of Dementia

Flori Meeks of the Houston Chronicle website reported on one family’s journey with FTD.  Click here for…

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PA Congressman Patrick Meehan Issues Statement about FTD in Congressional Record

In conjuction with AFTD’s first-ever Food for Thought awareness week and campaign, Patrick Meehan, congressman from Pennsylvania…

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Un paziente affetto da una forma meno conosciuta di demenza sensibilizza l'opinione pubblica

Todd and Deborah Dolan raise awareness of FTD with their Minneapolis news station with an event on…

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FTD Article Published on with AFTD MAC Member Dr. Tiffany Chow

Dr. Tiffany Chow, a member of AFTD’s Medical Advisory Council, and Dr. Geri Hall, a member of…

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Dementia Robs Roxborough, PA Artist of the Ability to Paint

Philadelphia resident Addie Kaplan spoke with Rosella Eleanor LeFevre about her husband’s decline after being diagnosed with…

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Recording of Alzheimer’s Speaks Blog Talk Radio Show – October 1

On Tuesday, Oct. 1, AFTD Executive Director Susan Dickinson and FTD caregivers Paul Lester and Cheryl Sparks…

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Membri della comunità AFTD durante l'intervista alla radio Internet in diretta - 1 ottobre

Martedì 1 ottobre, i membri della comunità AFTD prenderanno parte a una radio Internet in diretta...

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Conferenza FTD/PPA della Northwestern – 4 novembre

Il Centro di Neurologia Cognitiva e Alzheimer della Northwestern University ospiterà la sua conferenza annuale su FTD e PPA...

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