Dover, NH Meet & Greet

Watson Fields 201 Watson Road, Dover, NH, United States

Join AFTD Volunteer Cathy Stevens for an informal gathering in Dover, NH to meet others in your community whose lives have been affected by FTD. An RSVP by May 19th would be appreciated. To RSVP, or for any questions, please contact Lisa Leighton at or Watson Fields at (603) 516-8810. Download this flier for more…

Spettacolo "Scendendo tra le fiamme".

Abbazia dell'Alberta 126 NE Alberta Street, Portland, OR, United States

"E se scrivessimo una commedia su un clown che soffre di demenza?" Questa è la domanda che la famosa attrice e clown professionista Joan Mankin ha chiesto a suo fratello nel 2010. Qualche anno dopo, lo avrebbero scoperto nel modo più duro. Basato sulla storia vera del leggendario clown di fantascienza Queenie Moon, la prima mondiale di Going...

Beaverton, OR Meet & Greet

Biblioteca di Beaverton, sala conferenze Cathy Stanton 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR, Stati Uniti

As a follow up to AFTD’s Beaverton Meet and Greet on October 6, 2018, please join AFTD Northwest Regional Coordinator Volunteer Amy Eissler Parker on June 13th for an informal gathering in Beaverton, OR to meet others in your community whose lives have been affected by FTD. An RSVP by June 10th would be appreciated.…

Pittsburgh, PA Incontro e saluto

Christ Church Colline Nord 5910 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join former AFTD New England Regional Coordinator Volunteer Doreen Putnam for an informal gathering in Pittsburgh, PA to meet others in your community whose lives have been affected by FTD. An RSVP by June 24th would be appreciated. To RSVP, or for any questions, please contact Doreen Putnam at Download this flier for more information.

Beaverton, OR Meet & Greet

Biblioteca di Beaverton, sala conferenze Cathy Stanton 12375 SW 5th Street, Beaverton, OR, Stati Uniti

Please join AFTD Northwest Regional Coordinator Volunteer Amy Eissler Parker and AFTD Volunteer Scott Rose on July 11th for an informal gathering in Beaverton, OR as they focus their efforts on bringing a support group to the Beaverton area for those who have been affected by FTD. An RSVP by July 8th would be appreciated.…

Conferenza FTD della Dementia Alliance

The McKimmon Center at NCSU 1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh, NC, United States

This event offers a full day of practical information on daily care, support services, resources, and advocacy.  AFTD's Program Manager Matt Sharp will be leading one of the breakout sessions, and will be joined by AFTD Education Manager, Deena Chisholm and AFTD Board Member, Paul Lester. Cost: Family Caregiver - $25 - This registration includes admission to…

La quarta gita annuale di golf commemorativa del CWM

Campo da golf di Yankee Springs 12300 Bowens Mill Road, Wayland, Michigan, Stati Uniti

La quarta edizione del CWM Memorial Golf Outing si terrà il 13 luglio 2019 presso il campo da golf Yankee Springs. L'evento prevederà una partenza con il fucile a 18 buche, un formato scramble per quattro persone, un premio per le gare meglio vestite, più vicine allo spillo e per il drive più lungo, e una cena a buffet. Partecipanti e sostenitori sono invitati a…

14a gita annuale di golf commemorativa di George F. Sidoris

Campo da golf municipale di Lost Nation 38890 Hodgson Road, Willoughby, Ohio, Stati Uniti

Il 14° George F. Sidoris Memorial Golf Outing annuale si terrà il 20 luglio 2019 al Lost Nation Golf Course di Willoughby, Ohio. L'evento prevede una partenza shotgun, un formato scramble a quattro persone, gare di closer to the pin e drive più precisi, una lotteria e una cena a base di bistecca. Tutto il ricavato andrà a beneficio dell'AFTD.…

Glendale, Arizona, incontro e saluto

Orchard Pointe a Arrowhead 17200 N. 67th Ave., Glendale, AZ, United States

Please join AFTD Volunteer Brian Fox for an informal gathering in Glendale, AZ to meet others in your community whose lives have been affected by FTD. An RSVP by July 24th would be appreciated. To RSVP, or for any questions, please contact Brian Fox at Download this flier for more information.

Terza raccolta fondi annuale di hot dog freschi, gustosi e audaci

Birra senza limiti 9765 Widmer, Lenexa, KS, United States

Nicole DeLeve will be hosting the 3rd Annual Fresh, Tasty and Daring, FTD Hot Dog Fundraiser on July 27, 2019 from 12:00 - 3:00 pm at Limitless Brewing. Top your hot dog with more than 40 different toppings; combine flavors to make hot dogs from around the world! Adults cost $12 to enjoy and children…