Points de vue du FTD : surmonter les obstacles au diagnostic, aux soins FTD et à la participation à la recherche auxquels sont confrontés les Noirs/Afro-Américains

Graphic: Viewpoints of FTD - Addressing Barriers to Diagnosis, FTD Care, and Research participation Faced by Black/African Americans

En 2011, les chercheurs estimaient qu’il y avait entre 50 000 et 60 000 cas de DFT aux États-Unis. Aujourd’hui, les chercheurs estiment cependant que ce chiffre est sous-estimé. L’une des raisons en est le manque notable de représentation de populations diverses dans la recherche sur la DFT, comme la communauté noire/afro-américaine. Les recherches sur l’expérience des Noirs/Afro-Américains sur la DFT…

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La FDA accorde la désignation de thérapie révolutionnaire à la thérapie FTD expérimentale

Graphic: FDA Grants Breakthrough Therapy Designation to Experimental FTD Therapy

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a “breakthrough therapy designation” to latozinemab, an experimental treatment for FTD caused by a GRN genetic mutation. The drug is being developed by Alector in partnership with biopharmaceutical firm GSK. “With this designation, we look forward to continued productive conversations with the FDA, recognizing the unmet…

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Des chercheurs britanniques découvrent comment bloquer les protéines toxiques associées à la FTD et à la SLA

Graphic: UK Researchers Discover How to Block Toxic Protein Associated with FTD and ALS

Researchers at the University of Sheffield have discovered how to prevent the production of toxic repeat proteins that cause the death of nerve cells in neurodegenerative diseases like FTD and ALS. The study was centered specifically around FTD caused by a mutation in the C9orf72 gene, FTD’s most common genetic cause. In most people, the…

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Fresno, Californie Rencontre et accueil

Join and learn from others who understand the FTD journey at this AFTD Meet & Greet event, taking place in Fresno, California on Monday, February 26, starting at 6:00 p.m. PT. AFTD Ambassador Traci English will be hosting the event, which will take place in the Fig Meeting Room in the Fresno County Public Library…

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Conférence Journey de la section Journey de l'Association Alzheimer de l'État de Washington

The Alzheimer’s Association Washington State Chapter is hosting its annual Journey Conference for care partners of persons with dementia. AFTD Ambassador Joanne Linerud will be hosting AFTD’s information table at the event. The conference will provide information and support to care partners of persons diagnosed with diseases such as FTD, Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia. Topics…

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La sénatrice de l'État de New York, Michelle Hinchey, présente un projet de loi visant à créer un registre FTD de l'État

Graphic: NY State Senator Michelle Hinchey Introduces Bill to Create State FTD Registry.

New York State Senator Michelle Hinchey introduced a bill on January 3 to create a statewide FTD registry that would document diagnoses. Senate Bill S7874 would require healthcare providers in New York to report diagnoses of FTD to the state Department of Health, which would then publish the collected data in the registry; the public…

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