Chère HelpLine : comment voyager pendant les vacances

Text: Dear HelpLine - Navigating Travel During the Holidays Background: A woman fastens straps inside of a packed suitcase.

Dear HelpLine, I am thinking of traveling to see family this year for the holidays, but this would be the first time taking my wife since she was diagnosed with FTD 2 years ago.  Is there anything you can share with me about traveling with someone with FTD? For many people, the holiday season is…

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Une conversation avec le vice-président du développement clinique d'Alector

Text: A conversation with alector's vice president of clinical development. Background: Photo of Lawrence Carter, AFTD and Alector logos

Earlier this year, the biopharmaceutical company Alector announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had granted a “breakthrough therapy designation” to latozinemab, the company’s investigational drug designed to address FTD caused by a variant in the GRN gene. The special designation enables expedited regulatory review of therapies intended to treat serious conditions. A…

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Vesper Bio annonce la réussite de l'étude de phase 1 sur un traitement potentiellement modificateur de la maladie FTD-GRN

Text: Vesper Bio Announces Successful Completion of Phase 1 Study for Potentially Disease-Modifying Treatment for FTD-GRN Background: A laboratory, with a computer displaying PET scan results.

Biotechnology company Vesper Bio announced in early September that the phase 1 clinical trial for its potentially disease-modifying treatment for FTD-GRN has successfully concluded. The company noted data from the trial demonstrated excellent safety and tolerability of the orally administered drug VES001. In FTD caused by an inherited GRN mutation, the production of the essential…

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24 novembre 2024 : Rencontre en personne à Manchester, NH

Join and learn from others who understand the FTD journey at this in-person AFTD Meet & Greet event, hosted by AFTD Ambassador Shirley Gordon and Kevin Rhodes, co-chair of the AFTD Persons with FTD Advisory Council. The event will take place from 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on November 24 at St. Catherine of Siena…

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Rencontre en personne à Manchester, NH

Join and learn from others who understand the FTD journey at this in-person AFTD Meet & Greet event, hosted by AFTD Ambassador Shirley Gordon and Kevin Rhodes, co-chair of the AFTD Persons with FTD Advisory Council. RSVP for this event by emailing To learn more, download this flyer.

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Déjeuner-conférence pour soignants hybrides de l'Ohio : démence frontotemporale

Hybrid Caregiver Noontime Knowlege Series: Frontotemporal Dementia decorative image

Apportez votre lunch et rejoignez Judy Bearer, ambassadrice de l'Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, pour ce déjeuner-causerie sur la dégénérescence frontotemporale (DFT), la cause la plus fréquente de démence chez les adultes de moins de 60 ans (même si elle peut frapper les adultes à tout âge). Nous passerons en revue les causes et symptômes possibles, trouverons des ressources locales et apprendrons comment…

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Webinaire AFTD : Diagnostic de l'aphasie progressive primaire

With primary progressive aphasia (PPA), problems with language and communication typically deteriorate gradually over time. Initial symptoms are sometimes attributed to anxiety or stress until the ongoing symptoms become disruptive enough to prompt further assessment by a specialist. This webinar is intended for clinicians to support early detection and accurate diagnosis of PPA.  Learners will…

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Faire avancer l'espoir : l'AFTD organise la table ronde de recherche FTD 2024

Text: AFTD Hosts 2024 Research Rountable Meeting Background: AFTD Staff and Board Members at the FTD Research Roundtable meeting.

The FTD Research Roundtable is an annual program designed to accelerate FTD drug development by convening various scientific stakeholders to identify common challenges and advance solutions for FTD clinical trials. Biopharmaceutical companies currently conducting FTD pre-clinical and clinical trials are invited to join the FTD Research Roundtable, and in 2024, we were thrilled to have…

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AC Immune et Life Molecular Imaging annoncent la désignation accélérée par la FDA pour le traceur Tau PET

Text: AC Immune and Life Molecular Imaging Announce FDA Fast Track Designation for Tau PET Tracer Background: A physician reviews PET scans on a tablet computer.

Swiss biopharmaceutical company AC Immune announced in late August that its partner, German biopharmaceutical company Life Molecular Imaging (LMI), received a Fast Track Designation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a Tau PET tracer. PET, or positron emission tomography, is a form of medical imaging that uses a radioactive tracer to visualize…

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