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6th Annual Crusade for a Cure Golf Tournament

September 3, 2022


AFTD Ambassador Deb Scharper will host the 6th Annual Crusade for a Cure Golf Tournament on September 3, 2022, with proceeds benefiting AFTD’s research initiatives. The tournament will be held at Sunny Brae Golf Course (Osage, IA) and will feature a two-person best shot format on 18 holes, plus mulligan and fairway games. There will also be a post golf luncheon featuring raffles and live musical entertainment by the Bruce Bearinger Band.

Cost is $60 per team and includes entry in Crusade for a Cure (green fees), a post-golf luncheon and gift bag. For more information, please view the event flyer here or contact Deb at: dscharper@theaftd.org


September 3, 2022
Event Categories:


Sunny Brae Golf Course<span id="visitor_timezone_time" style="display:none;" class="12:00 am">Start time where you are: 05:00 am UTC</span>
3419 Golf Course Road
Osage, IA 50461 United States
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