Atleta del mes de julio: Norma Morrison

athlete of the month norma morrison image

This July our Charity Miles Athlete of the Month is Norma Morrison from Iowa. Norma logs miles on the Charity Miles app primarily by walking and occasionally biking. She has walked and biked over 340 miles for the AFTD-Team since the beginning of our partnership with the app in April!

Norma’s husband Bob passed away from FTD last October. She now walks in memory of her husband to bring awareness to this disease in the hope that a cure can be found, and that no other family has to face this cruel journey that many experience with an FTD diagnosis.

She shares why she chooses to be active for AFTD: “I’m so grateful that Charity Miles has given us the opportunity to support AFTD financially through an activity Bob and I so loved to do together. AFTD and their Facebook groups helped me get through the toughest times of my life.”

If you’re interested in joining Norma and the rest of the AFTD-Team this July, please download the free app and start logging miles after designating AFTD as your organization to support.
AFTD wishes to express our overwhelming gratitude to all who participated in helping us reach our July goal on the Charity Miles app. Together, the AFTD-Team moved more than 20,000 miles in 22 days, securing a $20,000 donation from our sponsor, Alector. During the month of July, every mile that community members logged on the app was matched $1/mile, up to 20,000 miles. AFTD thanks Alector for their generous donation, which will advance AFTD’s mission – bringing help and support to improve quality of life for people affected by FTD and driving research to a cure.

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