Atleta del mes de noviembre: Craig Roman

craig roman, AFTD's athlete of the month for November image

Our November Athlete of the Month is Craig Roman from Illinois, who participates as a member of the AFTD-Team through the Charity Miles app. Since joining the app, Craig has run over 580 miles in support of AFTD’s mission!

Craig gets active for AFTD to honor the memory of his father, who was living with FTD and passed away in 2018, on November 16, which is also Craig’s birthday. Craig, an avid marathon runner, says “I track my training miles with the Charity Miles app as a way to support AFTD’s mission – a cause that is near and dear to my heart.”

Join Craig and the rest of the AFTD-Team on Charity Miles today! Descarga la aplicación and start logging your activity in support of AFTD’s mission. You can turn your daily workout into a personal fundraiser by creando tu propia página de compromiso. Es simple: establezca una meta, pida a su familia y amigos que lo apoyen y realice un seguimiento de su kilometraje en la aplicación para recaudar fondos que avancen en la misión de la AFTD.

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