Guest Feature: “Yes, and…” by Catherine Savini

Text: Guest Feature - "Yes, and..." by Catherine Savini Background: A mother and daughter walk barefoot along the beach

Navigating the symptoms of FTD can be difficult for loved ones, especially when someone living with the disease experiences memory-related challenges. However, as Catherine Savini shares, meeting symptoms with “yes, and” instead of “no, because” can turn encounters with frustration and isolation into meaningful moments of playfulness and connection. Recently, a close friend was telling me a…

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26 de octubre de 2024: Reunión y saludo en persona en Middletown, DE

Join and learn from others who understand the FTD journey at this in-person AFTD Meet & Greet event, hosted by AFTD volunteer Jeanne Cestone, taking place from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 26, 2024. The event will be held at the Appoquinimink Community Library in Middletown, Del. (204 E. Main Street). RSVP for this event…

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Recepción en persona en Middletown, DE

Join and learn from others who understand the FTD journey at this in-person AFTD Meet & Greet event, hosted by AFTD volunteer Jeanne Cestone. RSVP for this event by emailing To learn more, download this flyer.

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Understanding Dementia With a Focus on Alzheimer’s & Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)

Text: Understanding dementia with a focus on alzheimer's & frontotemporal dementia (FTD) Background: A family reads literature and discusses it

AFTD Ambassador Dawn O’Gara will be joining representatives of the Alzheimer’s Association to hold a virtual presentation on FTD and Alzheimer’s disease on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM EDT. The presentation will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about the signs and symptoms of FTD and Alzheimer’s, and the resources available…

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Evento Subaru Share the Love 2024

In memory of Georgi Sidoris, Scott Campbell of Subaru of Muskegon designated AFTD as one of their Hometown Charities for the 2024 Subaru Share the Love Event. This event will take place from November 21-January 2 and during the event, for every new Subaru that this dealership sells or leases, $75 will be donated to…

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Voluntario de AFTD obtiene 3 proclamaciones de la Semana de Concientización sobre FTD en Ohio

Lima, Ohio is the most recent community to officially proclaim September 22-29 as FTD Awareness Week. Resident Jack George successfully advocated for the official proclamation, which Lima Mayor Sharetta Smith presented on September 4th at a public meeting. George feels strongly about advocating for FTD awareness because of his own circuitous diagnosis journey. “It took…

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Fomentando la esperanza: la AFTD organiza un panel asesor de la industria

Text: Advancing Hope - AFTD Hosts Industry Advisory Panel Background: AFTD Director of Research Engagement Shana Dodge presents during the panel

El 8 y 9 de agosto, la AFTD organizó un panel asesor de la industria en el que un grupo de personas cuyas vidas se vieron afectadas por la DFT compartieron sus experiencias y perspectivas con empresas que trabajan en posibles tratamientos para la DFT. El panel incluyó a personas diagnosticadas con DFT, parejas de cuidadores actuales y anteriores y familiares biológicos de personas con DFT…

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Artículo de invitado: El viaje de una mujer: desde el diagnóstico hasta el intento de suicidio y la aceptación de la vida

Text: One woman’s journey: from getting diagnosed to attempting suicide to embracing life Background: Photo of Deb Jobe, Persons with FTD Advisory Council member

Septiembre es el Mes de la Prevención del Suicidio. A continuación, Deb Jobe, miembro del Consejo Asesor de Personas con DFT de la AFTD, comparte con valentía la historia de su intento de suicidio después de recibir un diagnóstico de DFT y cómo pasó de querer terminar con su vida a aceptarlo por completo. Mientras estoy sentada aquí en mi patio trasero sintiendo el calor del sol, mirando…

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