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Writer Shares FTD Experience in New York Times Parenting Column

In a NYT Parenting column, writer Lizzie Skurnick draws parallels between watching her 6-year-old son grow older…

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Retired Police Officer Grants Christmas Wish for Family with FTD

A Pennsylvania family received “the best gift” this Christmas when a retired police officer helped bring their…

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Monty-Python-Star Terry Jones stirbt

Terry Jones, a founding member of the Monty Python comedy troupe, has died at the age of…

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Kaiser Health News beleuchtet Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Patientenverfügungen bei Demenz

A Kaiser Health News article that centers on a woman with FTD sheds light on the emerging…

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Former Boston Herald Cartoonist and Family Discuss FTD Diagnosis

Former Boston Herald cartoonist Jerry Holbert and his wife Cheryl had many plans for retirement, but following…

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FTD-Betreuer auf Festwagen bei der jährlichen Rosenparade geehrt

An FTD caregiver was among those honored on a float celebrating family caregivers during the 2020 Rose…

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Alzheimer's and Dementia Journal konzentriert sich auf FTD

The medical journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia includes a special topic section dedicated entirely to FTD research articles…

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Sängerin Linda Ronstadt erzählt, wie PSP ihre Karriere beendete

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, singer Linda Ronstadt discusses how progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) has…

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FTD Caregiver im Kaiser Health News Panel vorgestellt

Kaiser Health News includes the experience of an FTD caregiver in a recent panel discussion about the…

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Wegweisende Meteorologin June Bacon-Bercey stirbt

According to a recent announcement by her family, Dr. June Bacon-Bercey, a trailblazing meteorologist, died in July…

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