Gastbeitrag: „That Thin Thread Blooms into A Rainbow“ – Die FTD-Reise aus der LGBTQIA+-Perspektive

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The FTD journey is wrought with hardships, with families often facing a lengthy diagnostic process, steep costs for proper FTD care, and feelings of isolation. But some living with FTD face added difficulty. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community might also contend with hardships related to their sexual orientation or gender identity. For care partner Richard…


Tipps und Ratschläge: Verhaltensänderungen dokumentieren

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Many behaviors caused by FTD, such as aggression, disinhibition, delusions, and apathy, are challenging and distressing for people diagnosed and care partners. Such behaviors often result from an unmet need, negative emotions, anxiety, or pain. Complicating matters, these behaviors – and their triggers – will change as the disease progresses. However, with patience and a…


Advancing Hope: Beschleunigung der Arzneimittelentdeckung für FTD – Neue Auszeichnungen aus einer langjährigen Partnerschaft

Before FTD researchers can initiate a clinical trial of a new medication, they must carry out preclinical testing to better understand its effects on the body, confirm that it binds to its intended target, determine the best dose, and demonstrate its effectiveness in animal models of FTD. Since 2007, AFTD has partnered with the Alzheimer’s…


Wave Life Sciences beendet FTD/ALS-Studie mit WVE-004

Yesterday, Wave Life Sciences announced that it ended its FOCUS-C9 clinical trial for the drug WVE-004, which was being evaluated as a potential treatment for FTD and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases associated with a variation in the gene C9orf72, the most common genetic cause of FTD. Despite this news, AFTD applauds Wave Life Science…


Voranschreitende Hoffnung: Führende Vertreter der FTD- und ALS-Forschung treffen sich in Arizona zum Gipfel zum C9orf72-Gen

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In March, prominent leaders in FTD and ALS research gathered in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the first-ever summit on the C9orf72 gene, variations of which constitute the most common cause of genetic FTD and ALS. The event was supported by generous funding from David and Weezie Reese and was hosted by the Barrow Neurological Foundation. The…


Studienergebnisse zeigen, dass FTD in einigen Fällen einen kreativen Funken erzeugen kann

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Brain atrophy patterns specific to FTD can let loose previously suppressed creative abilities in some people diagnosed with the disease, according to a study published earlier this year in JAMA Neurology. The phenomenon has been studied by researchers for over 20 years, including prominent FTD researchers such as Bruce Miller, MD, a distinguished professor at…


„Was wünschen sich Menschen mit PPA von der Logopädie?“ Aktuelle Studienfragen

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A study published in the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders explores the needs of people affected by primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and how speech-language therapy (SLT) can be better tailored to help them. While there are currently no approved disease-modifying treatments for PPA, the study highlights how non-medicinal approaches like SLT can make…


Sportler des Monats Mai: Dane Sundseth

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AFTD’s May Charity Miles Athlete of the Month is Dane Sundseth from Southern California! After a friend of his family member was diagnosed with FTD, Dane made a choice to support his friend and their family through Charity Miles. Between Dane’s dedication to his friend, his commitment to supporting charities, and his passion for running…
